Hana Du Rose Read online

  Hana Du Rose


  K T Bowes

  Copyright K T Bowes ©2013

  Published by Hakarimata Press


  Hana Du Rose




  The story so far






































  Du Rose Legacy

  To my lovely reader


  Other Books By This Author


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  This novel is dedicated to my family, to those who have listened and supported, endlessly read, critiqued and made suggestions. Your faith in me has made it all worthwhile.

  One day, Andy, the Audi R8 will be yours…

  The story so far

  Hana Johal stepped into the new school year and almost under a passing car, on her first day back at work. Watched by Logan Du Rose, the handsome new head of the English department, her red hair and slender figure left him transfixed as she picked up the contents of her fallen handbag. He was no casual observer, but a man who had sought his soulmate for the past twenty-six years, scouring London for the teenager who captured his heart on a dirty Circle Line tube train with a single tearful smile.

  Hana’s mishaps increased with alarming regularity; a chance mugging, a broken car window, a car accident, car theft and then a terrifying home invasion. Unable to stay away from her, Logan became involved in Hana’s troubles, falling more deeply in love with her than he ever believed possible. Traumatised by the death of her first husband, Hana was not easy to win over, but her reliance on Logan gave him a route to her trust; until the arrival of Caroline Marsh, the woman who jilted him at the altar months before.

  About Hana was the story of a woman battling to begin again with a man determined to win her affection. A new house, a new car and a new relationship. What could possibly go wrong?

  Hana Du Rose continues Hana’s story as she confesses to her friends and family Logan is now her husband and attempts to release herself from the grips of the blonde man who hunts her without mercy.


  The noise rose from a gentle hum to a roar as the couple appeared in the doorway. The scene inside the ballroom overwhelmed Hana. Shades of cream and lightest blue decorated it. Swags of cloth hung from the ceiling, creating a scene reminiscent of a Jane Austen style banquet. She and Logan stood paralysed in the doorway, Hana clutching her husband so hard her nails dug into the back of his hand. A ‘Happy Birthday Hana’ sign hung over the double doors, making her conscience pang with sickening guilt.

  First to greet her was her daughter Izzie, who flew to her side and hurled herself at Hana. She gripped her mother in a suffocating bear hug and wouldn’t let go, her sobs strange and alarming. Marcus balanced a sleeping baby Elizabeth over his shoulder. He leaned in and kissed Hana, squeezing his face past his wife’s shoulder to get to her. “Hey there, he said, with a smirk which told Hana he knew everything. She glanced across at her daughter and Marcus shook his head. Turning to Logan, he pumped his hand with enthusiasm and Hana narrowed her eyes. Marcus needed no more co-conspirators.

  Meeting and greeting their guests took Hana and Logan a while. Hana’s school principal, moved forward to hug her. “Hello my dear, congratulations on reaching your mid-forties.” Angus smiled at her obvious discomfort. “Now, now. You grow more beautiful with age, so we’ll have none of that. Don’t you agree Mr Du Rose?”

  Logan smirked at Angus and nodded, flicking an appreciative glance at his elfin wife. Hana pursed her lips, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks at the memory of their passionate wedding night and Logan turned his attention back to the other guests. Hana saw the twinkle in his grey eyes and knew he read her mind too easily for a new husband. “Thank you, Angus.” She smiled. “You’re very kind.”

  The school principal gave a magnificent bow and moved away, his brightly patterned Scots kilt swishing around his hairy knees. He wandered towards another knot of familiar people.

  “Happy birthday, Hana.” She winced as Peter North’s garlic breath assailed her in a sloppy wet kiss on the cheek. Hana fought not to swipe her hand across her skin. He pressed a badly wrapped gift into her hands and she almost dropped it. “Henri bought it,” he admitted without shame. “I dunno what you chicks want.”

  Hana heard Logan snort next to her as Pete delivered his greeting. Then she saw her husband’s face disappear into the folds of Henrietta’s voluptuous neck in a bear hug. Hana shuddered, anticipating her turn. “Hana, darling! How wonderful to be invited. Peteepoos got so excited. When was the last time you were here my sweet?”

  “Couple of months ago.” Pete scratched at a spot in his head. “Boris and me brought Loge’s other vehicles back. I wanted to drive the Triumph, but I got the truck instead.” His face dropped into an ugly pout and his girlfriend bellowed out an unholy laugh.

  “Oh you sulky baby!” She ruffled Pete’s remaining hairs with a meaty hand and led him away, enfolding him into her giant armpit.

  “Gosh that was close,” Hana hissed out of the side of her mouth to Logan. “Did you like your hug from Henrietta?”

  “Loved it,” Logan commented and shot Hana a sideways look of mischief. “I didn’t realise the word enfold was onomatopoeic.”

  “Ugh! English teachers!” Hana scoffed as she greeted another wave of colleagues and friends. She felt a twinge of guilt as she welcomed guests who travelled miles to wish her well, in what until moments before had been a surprise birthday party.

  “You look like ze
bride and groom greeting ze wedding guests,” Boris joked, in his thick German brogue and Hana cringed. Logan reached sideways and touched her fingers and the single tantalising stroke across her flesh was enough to galvanise her.

  Henrietta bustled her large frame around, admiring everything in reach. “It’s magnificent,” she breathed to Pete. “Logan’s family owns all this? But he never said.”

  Pete looked shifty and shot a nervous look at his friend. Henrietta nudged him and spoke behind her hand. “Peteepoos, this would be a wonderful place for our wedding reception. We must get a brochure on the way out.”

  Pete buried his face in his wine glass and looked frightened.

  Logan greeted a man and woman with a tight smile and Hana’s brow narrowed at the similarities between them. “Hey, bro’, how’s life in the fast lane?” Logan asked and the other man laughed.

  “Tiring. Sticking the great and good of Auckland back together isn’t all fun.” He shook Logan’s hand but Hana noticed a rigidity in the action. Their grey eyes and regal bearing acted as a familial uniform. The woman didn’t smile as she air-kissed Hana, expensive perfume wafting round her like a haze. Her embrace of Logan bore more sincerity. The three dominated the room with their tall figures and striking good looks.

  Logan’s parents proved attentive hosts. They ran around amongst other uniformed staff, fetching drinks and opening a buffet which occupied much of the far end of the room. Izzie stayed glued to Hana as the party got under way, making it difficult for anyone else to get near her. “I’m so pleased to see you, Mum,” she gushed for the fifth time. She seemed emotional and overwhelmed and Hana grew worried by her unusual clinginess. She worried that she may have guessed her secret. Marcus drifted up still carrying Elizabeth and took his wife away, persuading her to go with him and get food. He winked back at Hana over his shoulder and her worry intensified.

  Searching for Logan, Hana spied her son. She smiled at him, noting his reluctance to approach her. Anxiety rested on his shoulders, an uncharacteristic companion. Henrietta’s large frame blocked Bodie’s companions as Hana moved towards him, cutting her way around the crowd. The floor cleared as spotting the buffet, Pete grabbed Henrietta’s hand and yanked her towards it. “Quick, food,” he whooped and set off. The couple’s absence opened the route between mother and son.

  Then Hana saw him and inhaled a breath she couldn’t release. A small boy around four held Bodie’s hand, clinging to his fingers like a lifebuoy. His tousled black hair curled at the ends and dark skin covered a slight, delicate body. With thin little wrists sticking out of his shirtsleeves and enormous brown eyes, he sucked his thumb and stared around him, uncomfortable in the adult surroundings. Occasionally he glanced up at the slender, pale-skinned woman next to him, seeking reassurance from her presence. He popped his thumb from his mouth and took hold of her dress between his fingers. Touching the fabric, he found comfort and the thumb went back into his mouth with a flicker of satisfaction.

  Hana walked with deliberate slowness, absorbing the moment and struggling to comprehend what she saw. Her late husband’s huge brown eyes fixed on her from the face of the child and he watched her progress through the people milling around her. Hana’s hands shook by the time she reached her son, suppressing emotions she couldn’t name. His expression held fear and defiance as he greeted her with uncharacteristic awkwardness. “Mum.”

  Hana trembled and nodded to him, forcing her lips into a smile. Words failed her as she recognised the imminence of her own revelation and dreaded his reaction. “Hi, Bo,” she stuttered, her sideways glance taking in the girl beside him. Hana offered her hand in a formal handshake and tuned in to the girl’s fear and apprehension, felt as a tremor through their joined fingers.

  “Hi, I’m Amy.” Her eyes darted from Bodie to Hana and back again.

  “Lovely to meet you.” Hana maintained the rigid smile while suppressing a multitude of questions and accusations. She jerked her head towards the boy. “And who’s this?” The mystery unfolded before her like a picnic rug laid on the ground. Bodie’s time at police college seemed the happiest of his entire life, but his transfer to Whangarei during his probation period took her by surprise. It followed a period of darkness, the root of which he never confessed to his mother. Hana always suspected the involvement of a woman, but he’d kept the door to that cupboard closed from her prying.

  Hana smiled at the small boy and her brow knitted. Bodie’s secrecy had denied her the first few years of her grandchild’s life. She wanted to yell and scream but refrained. Instead, she gave Bodie a look which made him feel like a child again. He swallowed his discomfort, preferring postponement to a scene.

  Amy’s gaze darted around the room, her fingers stroking a curl on her son’s head. She nodded towards him. “This is Jas,” she said, nudging the boy’s arm. “Say hello, Jas.”

  The boy popped his thumb from his lips and fixed his brown-eyed gaze on Hana. “Hello, Jas,” he said. He smirked and put his thumb back.

  Bodie glanced down in horror and Amy winced. Hana fought the laugh bubbling in her chest. “Where do you work, Amy?” she asked, hating the inane conversation starter in such surreal circumstances. She winked at the child and he grinned around his thumb.

  “I’m a cop,” Amy ventured.

  Hana smiled as her brain did mental gymnastics. “In Whangarei?”

  “No, Hamilton.”

  Hana opened her mouth to speak and Bodie cringed, begging her with his eyes not to press further.

  “Can we go now?” Jas fidgeted, sucking his thumb and peering down at shiny shoes poking from beneath his slacks. “My shoes is hurtin’ me.” His white shirt hung slack on one side and the neat bow tie at his neck tilted to a jaunty angle.

  Hana dropped to her haunches to speak to him and he observed her with adult seriousness. The combination of his inherited features rattled her, Vik’s eyes boring into hers as her new husband’s voice sounded nearby. Hana held out her hand, offering a grown-up handshake. Jas took it, using the hand with the wet thumb. “I’m Hana,” she said. “I’m very pleased to meet you.”

  He studied her long enough for Hana’s bent knees to complain about the prolonged squat. Then he dropped his bombshell. “Nope, you’re Granny and I’m Jas.”

  Bodie and Amy both inhaled in a horror reflex and Hana kept her face straight. “Is that right?” she said and he nodded. His thumb went back between his lips and the serene smile showed a disregard for the landmine he casually detonated.

  Hana stood with care, her legs tingling. She smiled at the boy and pointed towards the buffet. “Why don’t you help yourself to food, Jas?” She glanced at Amy. “If that’s okay with Mummy?”

  Jas looked for his mother’s nod of approval before weaving towards the food table. The adults surged around him but he exhibited great courage, his lips lined in grim determination as he waited his turn and filled a plate. Avid concentration made the task appear laboured.

  Hana’s gaze flicked back to Bodie. Fear caused a wobble in his fingers as he ran a hand over his handsome face. His eyes pleaded for mercy and Hana acquiesced. “As long as we talk another time,” she said, voicing her side of an unspoken conversation. She raised her eyebrows and he nodded.

  “I promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to it.” Hana reached out and hugged him, instant love for the child overriding her disappointment in Bodie’s behaviour. But the moral high ground made lonely terrain and Hana watched as Logan worked the room alone. He thanked people for coming and her heart clenched in fear. She needed to stop him announcing what they’d done.

  “Hey, Bodie.” Hana heard his voice and Logan’s hand appeared to the side of her.

  “Hi, Logan.” Bodie’s teeth ground in his jaw as he accepted the handshake. “This is nice. I don’t think Mum’s ever had a birthday party.” Hana dropped her gaze as he delivered the unnecessary comment. “She’s never wanted one.”

  “Oh yeah?” Logan’s reply sound
ed half-hearted and Hana tensed. His fingers ran up her spine and onto her shoulder in an intimate, familiar movement. Bodie missed it, but Amy saw. A rosy flush lit Hana’s cheeks.

  “Can I steal you for a moment?” Logan’s eyes twinkled with mischief and Hana read the undertone. He didn’t mean for a moment, but a lifetime. He took Hana’s hand and whisked her away, leading her to a stage beyond the food tables. Hana watched Jas’ head bobbing up and down as he leaned forward to inspect the various offerings. Logan tugged at her fingers.

  Hana’s stomach flipped at the foot of the stairs and she took a ragged breath, trying hard not to look at her children. “Logan, please don’t,” she begged. “Not now. I can’t do this.”

  “You don’t have to,” Logan replied, turning to face her, his body twisted on the stairs. “I’ll do the talking.” His brow furrowed. “I thought you wanted this.”

  Hana blew out through pursed lips, panic in her eyes. “I spent the last eight years explaining everything to my children in advance,” she gasped. “I can’t shock them this way.”

  Logan cocked his head, strands of dark fringe flipping into his eyes. “And you did a fantastic job, babe.” He reached out and stroked her cheek. “They’re just fine. Now it’s your turn.” He pulled her up the steps after him, strong fingers cupping her elbow..

  “It’s too public,” she hissed, feeling people staring. “It’s cruel.”

  Logan shook his head and tugged her towards the centre of the stage. “Life is cruel, wahine. But you’re not. Cruel would be jilting me in my second wedding of the year.” His smile held pain and Hana’s breath caught in her chest.

  “We’re getting married again?” she asked, understanding dawning.

  Logan nodded and raised his eyebrows. “Yep. Your son-in-law agreed to bless our marriage.”

  Hana kept her eyes down, staring at the beautiful parquet floor. Her flailing fingers tugged at the back of Logan’s shirt, but he concentrated hard on getting his words right and ignored her. She suspected he didn’t notice until his other hand reached around to seize hers and hold it in a crushing grip. “I don’t need a weggie thanks,” he whispered with a smile.